Exclusive & Unique Australia
Pragmatism and luxury need not be values that conflict with one another. The Liberty is a true quality safe that meets the highest standards, without breaking all limits in terms of economic feasibility. Covered with the finest calfskin or high-gloss lacquered on the outside and elegant Alcantara inside, with high-gloss polished fittings and an opulent enclosed input unit, the Liberty is a true Döttling safe through and through – uncompromising quality made in Germany.
Naturally, the color of the leather and the interior as well as the number of watch winders and drawers can be freely selected. When it comes to individualism, the Liberty stringently follows the Döttling philosophy as well.
The price is for the Liberty safe version with 2 regular size drawers.
The price is in Australian Dollars and includes delivery, installation, duty and GST.
For any other information, please call us on 03 8672 9912 or email us at info@eandu.com.au